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Last updated Aug 21, 2023 Request an edit

# Title: CTF flag found

This is where you mention the name of the issue & if present mention CVE-ID for the same.

# Severity:

Severity ranges from Critical to Informational. Use this calculator to assign a CVSS score.
All CTF flag challenge issues are Informational severity

# Description:

Here you will explain the issue/CVE and how you found it.

This can be a google drive link or file attached in the mail.
Be sure to expressly highlight the issue you’re showcasing.

# Affected URL/Resource:

Mention where you found this issue/flag, on which subdomain/domain/path.

# Impact:

Be sure to sell the impact of your finding. Marketing the risks help convice people to patch them faster.

# Recommendation:

What fix would you recommend for the said finding. In case of it being a flag, mention methods to remove it completely.
Brownie points for those who research the tools/code and give indepth fixes.

If any, mention your sources.